Thursday, February 28, 2008

I Hate American Idol Top 20

The girls sang last night. 90 minutes of torture reduced by the COX DVR to about 30 minutes of mostly bad singing and stupid comments. Thankfully, I have already forgotten most of the songs.

There were two really bad ones that stood out to me , the girl with the white and black hair; Amanda, I think, and a black girl near the end of the show, whom I did not remember from last week.

Then only one I really enjoyed was the first girl, the one with multiple chins and a tattooed arm. She sang some song from Heart. It was pretty good.

I won't be making any predictions, because I really don't care. The sooner they get voted off, the sooner the show is over.

This guy should try out next time.

1 comment:

Robin Meadows said...

you are funny....but I agree. The guys are WAY better!