Inspired by the postings of my longtime blogging friend, Robin, I have started a garden. While I can't compete with the size of her garden (it's about as big as my house) it is a fair beginning.
It is about 4 feet square. I planted 2 big tomato, 2 cherry tomato, 2 grape tomato, 12 onion and 6 cucumber plants. The cucumber plants died right off, but the others have grown great. The tomato plants have grown about 6 inches in the last month.
Notice the cinder blocks. I live in SE Edmond. Our yard has the cable box, the phone box and an electrical box. Also, a gas main runs right under the middle of the yard. When the utility guys come to mark their lines, hardly any grass remains unpanited. There is just nowhere to dig. The cinder blocks were the answer. Just build a box and fill it with dirt, problem solved. If all goes well, I will double the size for next year.
AWESOME!! Looks great!
Those cucumbers died because of that frost we had.
What? No zuchinni? LOL
Will want to see pics later.
Ohhh, I knew we forgot to plant something, zucchini and asparagus.
The first tomatoes have started. They are small and green, but they are tomaotes. If I can get anyone at my house to take pictures, I will post them. The onions are growing great also.
Will try cucumbers again next year.
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