Monday, January 21, 2008

Are Mormons the new Jews?

In the old days, there was this imaginary Jewish cabal. They controlled Hollywood. They controlled banks and financial institutions.  Seems like a Mormon cabal might be taking their place. Here are some examples.

Politicians: Mitt Romney, Orrin Hatch, Harry Reid, Ernest Istook. I am sure there are more.

Financial and business: Nolan Archibald, Chairman and CEO of Black and Decker; Clinton Ardolis,  President of Central Pacific Bank; Francis W. Cash, CEO LaQuinta Properties; Gary S. Baughman, former CEO of Fisher Price; Jonathan C. Coon, President of 1800 Contacts; Gary L. Crittenden, CFO of American Express; J.W. and Richard Marriott, Marriott Corporation; Brett Keller, CMO of;
David Neeleman, CEO fo JetBlue; Stewart Nelson COO of Novell; this list could go on and on.

Entertaiment and media: Glenn Beck; Ashlee Ashby, contestant, Survivor Palau; Neleh Dennis, contestant, Survivor Marquesas; Derek and Julianne Hough, dancers on Dancing with the Stars; Ken Jennings, Jeopardy Contestant; 
Benji and Lacey Schwimmer and Heidi Groskreutz, So You Think You Can Dance Contestants; 
Kelly Wigglesworth, contestant, Survivor Borneo; Wilford Brimley, actor; Jon Heder, actor; Gordon Jump,  dead actor.

As you can see, there are a lot of them. Are they out to take over? Have they already?

LCTV's take on Mormonism -



Anonymously Me said...

this is a minuscule list of the thousands of politicians, business leaders and actors. you could come up with the same number of people who claim to be catholics, protestant, baptists etc. (actually, even MORE), and say the same thing.

the only difference is that for some reason, if you denigrate jews, you're anti-semitic, if you denigrate a racial group, you're racist, if you denigrate women, you're sexist, but if you denigrate mormons, that's okay.

it's ironic, really, that the most politically correct presidential election field ever assembled - a woman, a black, a mormon, a baptist, etc. - has gone politically incorrect, but only when it comes to the mormons.

-The Mountain Man- said...

anonymously me: Thanks for your comments. I had no intention to denigrate Mormons. One day, a few months ago, on the Glenn Beck program, he was talking about some of the successful Mormons that he knows, the AmEx guy, the Jet Blue guy, and others. The Mormon/Jew thought popped into my head that day. In my small, insulated world, it just struck me as funny.

Sorry to offend.

Anonymously Me said...

i didn't take offense at your thoughts at all. you personally haven't denegrated anyone and your post wasn't a judgement on any group.
my response was simply an observation that your conclusion wasn't all that unique...any religion has it's "big names". but it's been an odd thing i've noticed with our media, that for the most part, a person's religion is rarely mentioned even in passing, with the exception being if they're a mormon. i mean, they don't say "so and so, who blah blah blah, and is a protestant" (or catholic or baptist, methodist, christian, etc). but if they're mormon, it's something that gets noted. i'm not sure why. every mormon i've ever met has been nothing short of exemplary. the kind of person you'd want for a neighbor. good citizens. it just doesn't seem right that they get the rap that the media dishes non-stop.

but you didn't in your comparison. again, no offense.

Robin Meadows said...

Yeah, I think that's probably why Huckabee got more votes in OK than Romney. It's really too bad. Which is the more conservative? Isn't that the real question? With most people, I guess not.