Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tuesday night reflections

Hillary eked out a victory last night over Obama. I had hoped she would lose. The more blood shed and money spent between these two weakens them for the general election. Each time one of them wins, they suck the oxygen away from the other.

Will we see her cry more?

McCain beat Romney, with Huckabee in third. I want these two idiots to keep up with Romney, hoping Rudy or Fred can swoop in during the confusion on Super Tuesday.

Hard for me to see past the Mormon thing... Maybe(definitely) I am closed minded and shallow.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I don't think we're close minded at all. I know the rest of the world believes that, but we have spiritual burdens to bear, so we shouldn't look past those things, not that we should be judgemental. But if that bothers you, that doesn't make you close minded it just means you have boundaries!!