Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fired by my hair stylist

Today I was fired by my hair stylist. That's right, fired. She feels that I am not sensitive enough to her schedule. Sometimes when she runs late, commonly 15 to 30 minutes, it runs me late and I have to reschedule. Obviously my time is way less important than hers. We had been together for 10 years or so. I have followed her through 5 different locations and the birth of two children. Seems like I would have earned a little respect.

I work in the service industry. Therefore, I have to respect my customer's time. My job is to get in on time, solve the problem and get out of the way. If they are not available at the previously scheduled time, or if I am running late, sometimes we have to reschedule. No big deal, we just reschedule. That's how it goes sometimes, I get it. I understand she is at the mercy of people scheduled before me coming in late and it is not always her fault; but it certainly is not mine. I will not let my clients or my schedule suffer because her clients cannot always come in on time.

I am not happy about this. 

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